The Elaboration Likelihood Model

2 min readFeb 6, 2022


The Elaboration Likelihood Model explains how our attitudes and opinions are formed. There are two ways that information is processed and they are the central route and the peripheral route. The central route is the more rational route where the individual will weigh the pros and cons of a choice. The peripheral route is more based on emotions, being more easily influenced, and the way a message was presented to the individual.

In the image above we can see an example of the two routes happening. We can see how the audience taking the central route pays closer attention to the message and the options being presented. While on the other hand, the example of the peripheral route shows the audience not being motivated to pay close attention, as well as being influenced by cues that are outside of the message being presented to them.

Looking further into the peripheral route, I see I personally tend to make decisions based on the peripheral route as I am easily influenced by the opinions and thoughts of others. I am an avid skin shopper and am constantly looking for the latest trend or product I can try out, so I lookout for these types of advertisements on social media. When I do this I will look at the comments on the post or send it to my friends to see what other people are thinking and make my decision based on that rather than the information that is being presented to me. Another example of me taking the peripheral route in my thinking would be when seeing something posted by a famous person I admire I will be very inspired to post it.

